This is your remedy to release tension in the nervous system as well as the body - especially the head, neck and womb. An excellent plant for soothing mental chatter, nervous tension, stress, and circular thoughts, Skullcap's nervine actions make it equally suitable for both before bedtime and during the day, calming the body and mind and therefore promoting a good night's sleep. These actions also make this plant a good ally for managing the effects of sleep deprivation during the day or when you're holding onto the day too tightly.
Skullcap also has antispasmodic actions that help release tension in the body, particularly for those suffering from tense muscles, menstrual + ovulation cramps, stiffness, headaches, jaw and neck pain. Did you know that the jaw and the womb are connected? This makes skullcap an excellent herb to work with if your menstrual cycle is causing anticipation, or to ease cramping and tensity in your premenstrual and menstrual phases. Skullcap is also a nervous system trophorestorative, supporting and restoring the nervous system from burn out from prolonged periods of stress.
Herbal Actions: nervine, trophorestorative, mild herbal sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic
Taste/Energetics: cooling, bitter, mildly sweet
Ingredients: Fresh Scutellaria lateriflora extracted in ethanol and distilled water.
Size: 50ml
Suggested Dosage: Use intuitively and freely. Try 1 dropper throughout the day as needed for acute physical or emotional stress or 1-2 droppers up to 3x a day for chronic pain or nervous system exhaustion.
Book a consultation if you need help or would like tailored advice! Consultations include 4 bespoke remedies.