The flower of the Linden tree, Lime Flower is a beautiful relaxing nervine and an essential for the home apothecary, for children and adults alike.
Both calming and uplifting, it helps to soothe kids and adults when they are wound up and unable to relax. It eases tension and anxiety and is a gentle nervine that can help with insomnia when taken at the end of a busy or disappointing day, or for helping children face their day when overwrought with nerves.
Its antispasmodic and circulatory properties make it wonderful for easing cramps and spasms that contribute to menstrual cramps, headaches, migraines and tight muscles.
Lime Flower has an affinity for the heart and cardiovascular system, both emotionally and physically. It's a lovely medicine for uplifting and soothing heartache and grief, and also for aiding with high blood pressure, nervous heart palpitations and shortness of breath.
Cooling, moistening and calming, Lime Flower is very useful for combatting many colds, flus and seasonal allergies. It eases fevers by allowing heat to escape, helping the body to relax and fight the infection. Lime Flower's soothing mucilage makes it helpful for tight and dry tissue in the chest, throat and sinuses.
It is also a wonderful immunity booster that can be taken every day as an illness preventative.
Herbal Actions: relaxing nervine, anxiolytic, antispasmodic, hypotensive, vasodilator, demulcent, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory
Taste/Energetics: sweet, astringent, pungent
Ingredients: Fresh Tilia europaea blooms and leaves extracted in vodka.
Suggested Dosage: Use intuitively, or try 1-2 droppers as often as needed throughout the day.
Book a consultation if you need help or would like tailored advice! Consultations include 4 bespoke remedies.